The actual time that a child spends with his mother varies, but
the impressions last forever. No one ever forgets their mother. The closeness that was shared in the first few years when
the child looks to his mother for every need, and for approval is never forgotten. The bond is deep and forever.
There is nothing to compare to the miracle of birth Few words to share that
will equal it's worth.
In the twinkle of an eye a new life is formed. And for a lifetime a mother's
heart is warmed.
In your beginning a dream coming true. Open arms awaiting a miracle such as
(c) 1998 Michele
Two little
feet, ten little toes, Leave their impressions today. Soon they will wear two little shoes, And be running and jumping
at play.
Two little
feet, too little time, Before they are walking to school, Kicking a rock, or skipping a rope, Wading a puddle or
jumping a pool.
Two little
feet, One little child, Will soon go their own way, But footprints in my mind recall, They stood here yesterday.
Someday I'll
jump through puddles, Take a stroll or run a race. Someday I'll walk across the street, Or maybe walk in space,
Someday I'll
scale a mountain, Or I'll join a ballet corps. Someday I'll walk a tightrope, Or explore the ocean floor.
Someday these
feet will do some things, That only heaven knows, But for today they're happy Just to wiggle all their toes.
These little hands can wave hello
or put smudges on the wall.
They can fold in prayer, throw a kiss
or reach up when I say, "so tall."
They will clasp your hand for an Autumn stroll
Or shape a dinosaur from clay.
But most of all, they will stay
with you when I'm grown and far away.
~~~ Unknown~~~
Love is patient,
Love is kind.
It bears all things,
Believes all things,
Hopes all things,
Endures all things.
Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:4,7,8